
Rosebay Willowherb ©lynseyewan

Nature is important to me, that is why I paint what I paint, without nature we would not exist, as we are a part of it. Therefore, it is vital that we take an active role in preserving nature, helping maintain the natural ecosystems, and being careful to work in unison with nature.

Both in my business and personal life, I aim to be as ecological as possible. My studio is based in our home, where we minimise our use of fossil fuels for heating by using a wood-burning stove, and our energy provider is a pioneering, green company called Ecotricity – do visit their website to see all the great work they do, including how they invest their profits into the development of renewables.

Blackthorn ©lynseyewan

We also use eco-friendly, plant-based cleaning and toiletry products, recycle or reuse wherever we can, grow our own fruit and vegetables in our garden, eat organic wherever possible, and generally try our best to live in harmony with the Earth – there is always room for improvement, of course, which is why I studied and completed a Permaculture Design Course in 2018. I continue to educate myself with the latest research for living and working sustainably, as change is inevitable and we must adapt for our own wellbeing and that of our environment. For more information about Permaculture, see www.permaculture.org.uk.

Wood Anemone ©lynseyewan

More recently, in 2019, I became a volunteer with our local Woodland Working Group for the Woodland Trust. It’s my way of giving back, by helping to maintain, naturalise and extend our precious, native woodlands.

If you are currently with another energy provider, I highly recommend switching to Ecotricity, if you are based in the UK.

Referral Code: RAFE-HVHQB
Use at: ecotricity.co.uk